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Friday, May 01, 2015

Black Belt Essay by Hayley Kowalczyk

What Black Belt Means to Me

Hayley Kowalczyk
When I hear the word “Black Belt” it means many different things to me.  First, it means endless effort and determination.  Second, it means hard work and skill. Most importantly, being awarded my black belt means I have accomplished many katas, routines, and goals as I move closer to achieving my dream of becoming a Sensei.   Every week I look forward to the next skill we will be learning.  I have trained at Amerikick for the last 6 years.  I was in first grade when I first began and had no idea how much Amerikick would become a part of my life. Ever since then I have been learning new techniques, katas, and training to achieve the biggest accomplishment of my life.
This journey has taught me many things. I feel honor and pride every time I step onto the mat or am asked to help the Sensei’s during class. Being a leader is a responsibility that comes with earning your Black Belt.  Being able to show responsibility on and off the mat is a trait that I have embedded in myself as I reach this dream of mine.  It is my responsibility to practice with the other candidates as well as on my own. It is my responsibility to learn the techniques, katas and be mentally and physically prepared. Most importantly, it is my responsibility to encourage the other candidates to always do their best, and help them during times of frustration and struggles.  I am proud of all my involvement at Amerikick and the accomplishments that I have made throughout this testing cycle.
In addition, earning my Black Belt means respect. Becoming a Sensei and putting the Black Belt around my waist for the first time is a picture I have created in my mind for a long time.  People treat you with a higher level of admiration and respect when you have accomplished a goal as great as this one. Younger students will ask me for advice and my help in mastering different belt expectations. I once was that student, but soon I can be the one sharing my love of karate with others. As a Black Belt, I have proven that I can protect myself and others if faced with unfortunate circumstances. I will implement what I have learned and protect myself from any attacker that may try to hurt me. Wearing a Black Belt shows strength to those around you.
I have been fortunate to learn from some of the most talented and dedicated Senseis. Sensei Mike Recinto and Sensei Mike Infante have taught me the true meaning of hard work, persistence, determination, and respect. Both these Sensei’s have dedicated many hours towards helping me follow the path they have traveled and love. I will always remember what they have done to prepare me for one of the biggest moments of my life and to always follow my dreams.
I will always treasure the memories and friendships that I have created at Amerikick.  As I continue my life’s journey, I will follow the guidance, positive examples, and perseverance that the Sensei’s have taught me both on and off the karate mat. I am thankful for their help in making me be the person I am today.
                In conclusion, I will look at my Black Belt and it will remind me of hours of hard work, determination, mastering katas and techniques, friendships, leadership, and respect. As I close my eyes at night, I was fall asleep smiling because my dreams have come true.
Visit www.amerikickmedford.com for more information about our programs. 

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