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Friday, May 01, 2015

Black Belt Essay by Ryan Woods

What Black Belt Means to Me
Ryan Woods
My name is Ryan Woods and I am a red belt student at Amerikick Medford. I have been going to Amerikick for a number of years now.  I started out as a white belt and now I am a red belt, excited to be testing for his black belt.  Getting my black belt is extremely important to me.  Receiving my black belt means many things to me, let me explain, what a black belt means to me.
A black belt is dedication.  It takes many years to earn a black belt and to do that you must commit to going to class, regular and sparring, learning new techniques and katas, and paying attention.
A black belt is determination.  I was determined to get my black belt and did not quit even when times were tough, like after my mom's surgery or being tired from school.  I was determined to get better, in the beginning i would kick a bag and it would not budge.  But, as time went on, I became stronger and able to kick the bag and get it moving, with a flying side kick I can kick the bag over!
A black belt has self control.  For example, I was on school property and some larger bullies became physical with me, and I used self control and did not kick or punch them because it is against school rues to fight, even if you are defending yourself.  A black belt is never a bully.
A black belt is modest.  Someone that has or is earning their black belt does not show off, brag or act cocky.  Because the black belt gives you pride.
A black belt is a person who is strong.  They are strong mentally, physically, and emotionally.  You have mental strength, for example because during testing and training it will be tiring and your mind has to tell you to keep going and do not stop.  You have to be physically strong , for example, because during the exercises you have to have physical strength to do them and pass.  You have to be emotionally strong, for example, because during testing you may be very emotional because you are nervous or scared because you want that black belt, though to get there  is hard so you have to try to hold the emotions back and work through it.
A black belt is a good role model.  The lower belts and younger kids look up to the black belts.  In class a black belt listens and does not fool around. Black belts are nice, use a kind voice, and have patience with the smaller kids. The black belts know the katas and techniques and are able to demonstrate them to the lower belts.  A black belt is a good role model every where, like school and Scouts.  They are good role models by getting good grades, doing homework, doing chores, focusing, studying, good behavior, listening to and respecting teachers.  I want to be that role model.
A black belt means respect.  They respect others and they get respect because they earned it.
A black belt is confident.  They can do things better because of their confidence, like when I sparred another red belt student, we seemed equal at sparring, they earned their black belt and seemed to spar better.  They do not doubt themselves.
After I earn my black belt I will feel very good about myself.  I will feel this because it is a great accomplishment, a goal I reached, and I tried my best.
I will be extremely proud when I earn my black belt.  I will smile from ear to ear.  My mom, dad, and sister Riley will be proud too.
My mom said earning my black belt will inspire her to get better so she can take karate classes and earn a black belt. This is what a black belt means to me.

Visit www.amerikickmedford.com for more information about our programs. 

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